Wrap Basic


Wrap Entry Level

This training course will introduce the trainees to the world of 3D application and help them practice in detail various parts of a
car wrapping on a vehicle.

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No minimum required


8 trainees maximum
(4 per car maximum)


2 days


  • Introduction to vinyls intended for 3D applications
  • Calculation of the vinyl needed to wrap a car
  • Tools and accessories required, working environment (temperature etc)
  • Preparation of the vehicle: liquids to use
  • Specific application techniques (memory effect, postheating, stretching, simple and complex parts…)
  • Finishing touches and cuts
  • After extensive demonstrations on the first day, trainees will begin applying specific parts and learn the appropriate movements
  • The special application techniques are repeated over and over again. The trainer will answer any questions and will take into account the level of knowledge of each participant